FCCLA went to the Indiana State Leadership Conference and competed in many different events. The result of this trip was very successful for the students. There were multiple gold rewards received by the students including: “Trend Board” Christiana, Jentry, Olivia, and Maddie, Kylie won the “Healthy Snack” category, Taryn won the “Learning Pac” category, Grace won the “Eco” category, Maddie won the “Fashion Construction” category.
A few students not only received gold but were also national qualifiers. For “Chapter Service Project Display” Christiana, Jentry, and Olivia received the gold medal as well as becoming national qualifiers. The same goes for Taryn in the “Fashion Construction” category.
Though not everyone received a gold medal, all of the students participated and some tried something new! The other students who received silver were Brady for “Baking and Pastry,” Payton for “Career Investigation,” and Lilly, Max, Christy, and Lilly for “Sports Nutrition.”