What do you think quiz bowls are? Quiz bowl is a game in which two teams compete head to head to answer questions from all areas of knowledge, including history, literature, science, fine arts, current events, popular culture, sports, and more. There are meets, and at those meets they will each have a buzzer and they will get asked a question and first one to buzz the buzzer and get it right gets a point. Camden Gilliam is on Yorktown High school’s team. We asked him What do you guys prepare for competitions? Gilliam responded with “So to prepare for competitions, we have meets or practices every Wednesday, and like its really is hard to practice for quiz bowl because we don’t know what the questions are going to be, and Mr. Buehler will print a paper of questions and its examples of what you might see but it’s never the answer you’re going to see. So it’s more like you’re just getting exposure to it and you’re figuring out how to play the game rather than you getting the answers to the questions.” Seth Cooper said something similar he said “ We do imitations, like we do 5v5 so we just do imitations for the competition, we go over different rounds, we go over the rules for the competition and like what to expect in the questions” Cooper also talked about the rounds in quiz bowl, he said “There’s four rounds, there’s one really hard round, one speed round, one regular round, and a bonus round.” There is so much you can learn from quiz bowl. Not just skills for the team but life skills as well. There are many people here that know the ins and outs of quiz bowl and would love to help you with any questions about quiz bowl itself and if you’re considering joining. You’re always in good hands.